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Searched in section "Power amplifiers"

666,77 €
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27 805 | JPM 1184IP 100 V line IP power amplifier with intelligent management

1× 180 W / both 100 V and 8 Ω, Class D, efficiency of 87%, power factor correction APFC, limiter, band pass filter, remote control, IP digital audio technology of p.a. sound, LAN input, high comfort software of IP Audio technology – mp3 playlists, internet radios, scheduler, sound card capture, automations, media and users administration, both LAN and WAN streaming, server based, high efficiency, quality sound, protection against overload and short-circuit

Suitable for: public address sounding interiors and exteriors with server streaming comfort


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První, co se nám vybaví u ozvučení kostela je, že to musí být především laciné. Druhé je, že zcela jistě budeme mít problémy s akustikou.